Waukee High School
Select a course name below for details:
The following courses are offered at Waukee High School for DMACC college credit. The courses are taught by Waukee High School instructors certified by DMACC. Through a partnership with Waukee and DMACC, the cost of the course is covered by the high school at no charge to the student.
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High School Course | DMACC Course # | DMACC Course Name | Credits | DMACC Credit Offered |
School to Work | Loading... ADM269 | Workplace Professionalism | 3 | Spring |
APEX - Global Food Systems | Loading... AGC420 | Agricultural Issues | 3 | |
APEX - Animal and Veterinary Science | Loading... AGS114. | Survey of the Animal Industry | 2 | |
Painting II | Loading... ART143 | Painting | 3 | |
AP 2D Design | Loading... ART195. | Design: Exploring Art Media | 3 | |
AP Biology | Loading... BIO112 | General Biology I | 4 | |
AP Biology | Loading... BIO113 | General Biology II | 4 | |
APEX Bio & Med Research | Loading... BIO191 | Intro to Biotechnology w/Lab | 3 | |
Entrepreneurship | Loading... BUS148 | Small Business Management | 3 | |
APEX Developing Web-Based Tech | Loading... CIS204 | Intro to Website Development | 3 | |
Introduction to Construction | Loading... CON336 | Care/Use of Hand/Power Tools | 1 | |
Introduction to Construction | Loading... CON337 | Construction Blueprint Reading | 1 | |
Intro to Education | Loading... EDU210 | Foundations of Education | 3 | |
Intro to Education | Loading... EDU218 | Initial Field Experience | 2 | |
Intro to Engineering Design | Loading... EGT400 | Intro to Eng Design | 3 | |
Principles of Engineering | Loading... EGT410 | Principles of Engineering | 3 | |
Digital Electronics | Loading... EGT420 | Digital Electronics | 3 | |
Civil Engineering & Architecture | Loading... EGT460 | PLTW Civil Engineering & Architecture | 3 | |
APEX - Architecture and Engineering | Loading... EGT900 | Field Studies in Architecture and Engineering | 5 | |
APEX-EMT | Loading... EMS214 | Emergency Medical Technician | 6 | |
AP Spanish V | Loading... FLS241 | Intermediate Spanish I | 4 | |
AP Spanish V | Loading... FLS242 | Intermediate Spanish II | 4 | |
APEX - Designing Communication 1 | Loading... GRD301 | Desktop Publishing | 3 | |
APEX - Designing Communication 2 | Loading... GRD403 | Communication Design | 3 | |
AP European History | Loading... HIS110 | West Civ: Ancient to Early Mod | 3 | |
AP European History | Loading... HIS111 | West Civ: Early Modern to Pres | 3 | |
AP American History | Loading... HIS151 | U.S. History to 1877 | 3 | |
AP American History | Loading... HIS152 | U.S. History Since 1877 | 3 | |
APEX Exploring Health and Medicine | Loading... HSC109 | Explore Health Career/Bld Team | 3 | |
APEX Exploring Health and Medicine | Loading... HSC114 | Medical Terminology | 3 | |
APEX - CNA | Loading... HSC172 | Nurse Aide | 3 | |
APEX - CNA | Loading... HSC182 | Advanced Nurse Aide | 3 | |
AP Literature and Composition | Loading... LIT101 | Intro to Literature | 3 | |
Finite Math | Loading... MAT141 | Finite Math | 4 | |
AP Statistics | Loading... MAT156 | Statistics | 3 | |
APEX - Finance, Banking and Investments | Loading... MAT162 | Principles of Business Statistics | 4 | |
AP Calculus (AB) | Loading... MAT211 | Calculus I | 4 | |
AP Calculus (BC) | Loading... MAT217 | Calculus II | 4 | |
APEX - Insurance and Actuarial Science | Loading... MAT900 | Field Studies in Actuarial Science | 4 | |
APEX - Exploration of Sport and Exercise Science | Loading... PEH110 | Personal Wellness | 2 | |
AP Government | Loading... POL111 | American National Government | 3 | |
Fundamentals of Oral Communication | Loading... SPC101 | Fundamentals of Oral Communication | 3 | |
School to Work | Loading... WBL100 | Exploring Careers | 1 | Fall |
School to Work | Loading... WBL110 | Employability Skills | 2 | Fall |
School to Work | Loading... WBL150 | Job Shadowing | 1 | Spring |
*Course offerings are subject to change. Please contact your Career Advantage advisor
or school counselor for updates and/or questions.
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Waukee High School Profile
2023-24 School Year
Total DMACC Credits Earned
Students Enrolled in DMACC Classes
5,095 DMACC Credits earned at your High School
239 DMACC Credits Earned Online
8 DMACC Credits Earned On-Campus Course Option
81 Credits Earned at a DMACC Career Academy
17 Certified Instructors at Your School
93.87% Success Rate
High School Graduates who Attended DMACC this year
Students Earning a DMACC Degree, Diploma, or Certificate while in High School
Tuition Saved

Average DMACC Tuition Saved Per Student

Total DMACC Tuition Saved