STRIVE - Selected Training Received in Vocational Education
STRIVE and STRIVE Academy are 4+ support programs provided by DMACC for students in special education transitioning immediately from high school to the college with an ongoing IEP in place. STRIVE is a service contracted by the school district as part of their continuum of service and students in the program are recommended by the IEP team.
Selected Training Received in Vocational Education
STRIVE is a support program on the Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny campus for students in special education requiring transition assistance from high school to a vocational program at DMACC. STRIVE’s ultimate goal is for students to develop the skills needed to gain employment in the career field for which they are being trained.

STRIVE Academy
Learning with independence
STRIVE Academy students are working on developing skills as outlined in their IEP in the areas of adaptive behavior (living) and employability (working). STRIVE Academy students live in the dorms as part of their program. STRIVE Academy students are not enrolled at DMACC, but do participate in on campus activities.