
Fall Schedule Available March 31
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Search Results

ASEP - General Motors

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20119 ATG312 1 4 GM Specialized Electronics Trn
Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program (ASEP)
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:40AM Armbrecht,Mark 01/13/25 02/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42 Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 11:40AM Armbrecht,Mark 01/13/25 02/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B
20621 ATG320 1 4 GM Brake Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program (ASEP)
7 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:30PM 02:40PM Cornelius,Curt 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 17 Tuition
MTWRF 12:30PM 02:40PM Cornelius,Curt 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22A
20121 ATG328 1 3 Diagnosis/Repair-GM Elect Sys
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program, MAT 772, AUT 114. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ATG 312.
7 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:30AM Armbrecht,Mark 02/12/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42 Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 11:30AM Armbrecht,Mark 02/12/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B
20120 ATG329 1 3 Technical Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program, MAT 772, AUT 114, ATG 322. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ATG 312, ATG 320.
7 0 0 0 Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
20323 ATG333 1 3 Major Service Proc/GM Engines
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. 15 hours of lecture will be held virtually in Blackboard Collaborate; dates TBD. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program and ATG 327.
7 0 0 0 MTWR 10:40AM 12:35PM Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44 Tuition
MTWR 10:40AM 12:35PM Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 23
20307 ATG350 1 3 Technical Internship IV
8-week course. 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATG 340
8 0 0 0 Boots,Shane 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
20306 ATG354 1 5 Advanced GM Motors Systems
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program
7 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:25AM Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:25AM Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42
F 08:00AM 11:35AM Olesen,Bjarne 03/14/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42
F 08:00AM 11:35AM Olesen,Bjarne 03/14/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B

ASSET - Ford

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23073 ATF324 1 3 Ford Steering/Suspension
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 317 Corequisite: ATF 328
7 15 0 15 MTWRF 10:10AM 11:35AM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130 Tuition
MTWRF 10:10AM 11:35AM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109
T R 09:00AM 10:00AM Russell,Aaron 01/14/25 03/06/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130
23074 ATF325 1 3 Ford Brakes Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 317 Corequisite: ATF 328
7 15 0 15 MTWRF 12:00PM 01:50PM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 01:50PM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130
23075 ATF328 1 5 Ford Electronic Systems Diag
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 312 and ATF 317
7 15 0 15 MTWRF 02:00PM 04:30PM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130 Tuition
MTWRF 02:00PM 04:30PM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109
21582 ATF330 1 3 Technical Internship II
Must be accepted into the Ford ASSET Program. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 320
7 0 0 0 MTWRF Russell,Aaron 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21233 ATF344 1 2 Ford Driveline & 4x4 Diag/Rpr
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Must be accepted into Ford ASSET (4002) Prerequisite: ATF 328 and ATF 317
9 0 0 0 T R 11:00AM 02:00PM Langner,Eric 03/11/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109 Tuition
T R 11:00AM 02:00PM Langner,Eric 03/11/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130
23773 ATF346 1 4 Ford Transmission & Transaxle
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Must be accepted into Ford ASSET (4002) Prerequisite: ATF 328 and ATF 317
9 15 0 15 M W F 12:00PM 03:45PM Langner,Eric 03/12/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130 Tuition
M W F 12:00PM 03:45PM Langner,Eric 03/12/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109
21232 ATF350 1 3 Technical Internship IV
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Must be accepted into Ford ASSET (4002) Prerequisite: ATF 340
9 0 0 0 MTWRF Langner,Eric 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21234 ATF352 1 3 Ford Systems/Tech. Update
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Must be accepted into Ford ASSET (4002) Prerequisite: ATF 328 and ATF 317
9 0 0 0 M W F 08:00AM 11:45AM Langner,Eric 03/12/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130 Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 11:45AM Langner,Eric 03/12/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23519 ACC104 1 3 Fundamentals of Bookkeeping
Late start. 12-week course. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
7 0 0 0 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Klinker,Kristine 02/04/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01 Tuition
23522 ACC104 WW1 3 Fundamentals of Bookkeeping
Late start. 12-week course. Proctored Exams Required.
1 0 0 0 Klinker,Kristine 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23523 ACC104 WW2 3 Fundamentals of Bookkeeping
Late start. 12-week course. Proctored exams required.
5 0 0 0 Smith,Bob 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21059 ACC124 1 3 Accounting Professionalism
2 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 09:00PM Reed,Lauren 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01E Tuition
20173 ACC131 UBM 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
12 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Nasereddin,Samar 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 208 Tuition
20180 ACC131 B 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
4 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Bond,William 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
20181 ACC131 C 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
3 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Bond,William 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
20182 ACC131 D 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
2 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Eastman,Sam 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 16 Tuition
20183 ACC131 F 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
1 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Eastman,Sam 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 16 Tuition
20339 ACC131 BC 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
1 15 0 15 T R 08:05AM 09:55AM Murphy,John 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 156 Tuition
20399 ACC131 WW1 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
2 15 0 15 Lockard,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20460 ACC131 WW2 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
3 15 0 15 Bond,William 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20611 ACC131 WW3 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
2 15 0 15 Lockard,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21476 ACC131 WW4 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
0 15 0 15 Meredith,Macy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23083 ACC131 WW5 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
4 15 0 15 Meredith,Macy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24090 ACC131 WW6 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
6 15 0 15 Eastman,Sam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26185 ACC131 WWA 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Smith,Bob 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20184 ACC132 B 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
0 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Bond,William 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
20185 ACC132 C 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
0 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Bond,William 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
20186 ACC132 A 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
2 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Lockard,Lisa 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 11B Tuition
20277 ACC132 WA 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
11 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Nasereddin,Samar 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 118E Tuition
20340 ACC132 BD 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
6 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Murphy,John 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 156 Tuition
20380 ACC132 WW1 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
1 15 0 15 Lockard,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20454 ACC132 UBM 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
18 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Nasereddin,Samar 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 208 Tuition
20518 ACC132 WW2 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
1 15 0 15 Lockard,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21546 ACC132 WW3 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
2 15 0 15 Huseman,Margaret 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24028 ACC132 WW4 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
4 15 0 15 Huseman,Margaret 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26423 ACC132 E1 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
11 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 10:00PM Dodds,Gregory 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
21369 ACC161 WW1 3 Payroll Accounting
Proctored Exams Required.
3 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24416 ACC161 UAA 3 Payroll Accounting
16 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236 Tuition
26187 ACC161 WW5 3 Payroll Accounting
Proctored Exams Required.
2 15 0 15 Reed,Lauren 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20705 ACC165 WW1 2 Payroll Certification Review
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Proctored exams required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 03/26/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21405 ACC165 WW2 2 Payroll Certification Review
Proctored exams required. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 03/26/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23627 ACC237 WW1 4 Intermediate Accounting
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 132 with a grade of "C" or above
0 15 0 15 Meredith,Macy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22667 ACC252 WW1 4 Gov't & Nonprofit Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
1 15 0 15 Murphy,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22735 ACC252 WW2 4 Gov't & Nonprofit Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
4 15 0 15 Murphy,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23084 ACC265 WW1 4 Income Tax Accounting
Proctored exams required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
3 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23085 ACC265 WW2 4 Income Tax Accounting
Proctored exams required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
12 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21136 ACC314 1 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
4 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Eastman,Sam 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01E Tuition
21165 ACC314 WW1 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. Class requires a PC. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Check with your instructor if a paper copy is required. Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
2 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21542 ACC314 WW2 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. Class requires a PC. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your instructor if a paper copy is required. Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
3 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22799 ACC314 WW3 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Check with your instructor if a paper copy is required. Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
9 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22466 ACC353 1 4 Excel for Entrepreneurs
Prerequisite or Corequisite: ACC 104 or ACC 131
4 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Eastman,Sam 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01E Tuition
26549 ACC353 WW1 4 Excel for Entrepreneurs
Prerequisite or Corequisite: ACC 104 or ACC 131
2 15 0 15 Murphy,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22705 ACC850 WB1 3 Tax Assistance Institute
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 265 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or above
17 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 04/02/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
F 09:00AM 01:35PM Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/17/25 03/28/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 107


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20464 ADM105 WW1 1 Intro to Keyboarding
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Reserved for students accepted into the following programs: Accounting Specialist, Accounting & Bookkeeping Diploma, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Hospitality Management, Health Information Technology, Patient Access.
1 15 0 15 Turner,Celina 01/13/25 03/26/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20465 ADM105 WW2 1 Intro to Keyboarding
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Reserved for students accepted into the following programs: Accounting Specialist, Accounting & Bookkeeping Diploma, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Hospitality Management, Health Information Technology, Patient Access.
2 15 0 15 Turner,Celina 01/13/25 03/26/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23016 ADM105 WW3 1 Intro to Keyboarding
Late-start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session
0 15 0 15 Johnston,Toni 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23017 ADM154 WW1 3 Business Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Manock,Julianne 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26188 ADM154 WW2 3 Business Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Manock,Julianne 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26504 ADM154 WW3 3 Business Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21302 ADM157 A 3 Business English
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Turner,Christina 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 03 Tuition
23572 ADM157 WW1 3 Business English
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Turner,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23934 ADM157 WW2 3 Business English
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Turner,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26189 ADM157 B 3 Business English
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Turner,Christina 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 03 Tuition
23012 ADM221 WW1 2 Career Development Skills
Recommend taking this course the semester prior to internship or your last semester.
1 15 0 15 Lueth,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26190 BCA152 WW2 3 Comprehensive Spreadsheets
Uses Microsoft Excel 2021/365 in a Windows environment. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Young,Casey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20466 BCA212 WW1 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21451 BCA212 WW3 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Johnston,Toni 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22801 BCA212 A 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Turner,Christina 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 05 Tuition
26191 BCA212 3 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
12 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Smith,Chima 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 05 Tuition
26539 BCA212 WW4 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Turner,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26760 BCA212 WW2 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Young,Casey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Aging Services Management

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21221 ASM240 A 1 Pract. I: Social Services
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
15 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21222 ASM241 A 1 Pract.II: Dietary
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21223 ASM242 A 1 Pract.III:Legal Asp.& Gov.Org
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
15 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21224 ASM243 A 1 Pract. IV: Nursing
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
15 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21225 ASM244 A 1 Pract. V: Environmental Serv.
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21226 ASM245 A 1 Pract. VI:Act./Community
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21227 ASM246 A 1 Pract. VII: Business Admin.
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21228 ASM247 A 1 Pract. VIII: Admin. Org.
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21229 ASM248 A 1 Pract. IX: HR Management
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20843 AGA129 1 3 Intro to Sustainable Agricul
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:10AM 11:05AM Rouse,Andrea 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 209 Tuition
20200 AGA154 1 3 Fundamentals of Soil Science
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
7 0 0 0 M W 12:50PM 01:45PM Doud,Timothy 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253 Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:50PM Doud,Timothy 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253
20203 AGA211 1 3 Grain and Forage Crops
Reserved for Agri Business students. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor or AGA 381, 114, 154
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:50PM 01:45PM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
21235 AGA211 2 3 Grain and Forage Crops
Reserved for Agribusiness students. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor or AGA 381, 114, 154
10 0 0 0 MTWRF 01:55PM 02:50PM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
20715 AGA284 B 3 Pesticide Application Cert.
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGB 235 B and AGS 319 B. Reserved for Agribusiness students. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:10AM 11:05AM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
20955 AGA284 C 3 Pesticide Application Cert.
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGB 235 C and AGS 319 C. Reserved for Agribusiness students. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
5 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:15AM 12:10PM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
24361 AGA284 A 3 Pesticide Application Cert.
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
2 0 0 0 MTWRF 09:05AM 10:00AM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
20717 AGB235 B 3 Intro to Agricultural Markets
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGA 284 B and AGS 319 B. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
0 0 0 0 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Lautner,Travis 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 212 Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Lautner,Travis 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 216
20956 AGB235 C 3 Intro to Agricultural Markets
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGA 284 C and AGS 319 C. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
5 0 0 0 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Lautner,Travis 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 212 Tuition
T R 09:05AM 10:00AM Lautner,Travis 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 216
24365 AGB235 A 3 Intro to Agricultural Markets
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
2 0 0 0 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Lautner,Travis 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 212 Tuition
T R 10:10AM 11:05AM Lautner,Travis 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 216
20204 AGB330 1 3 Farm Business Management
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
11 0 0 0 MTWRF 01:55PM 02:50PM Rouse,Andrea 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 209 Tuition
20957 AGB330 2 3 Farm Business Management
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
2 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:50PM 01:45PM Rouse,Andrea 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 216 Tuition
22422 AGB336 1 3 Agricultural Selling
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
7 15 0 15 MTWRF 03:00PM 03:55PM Lautner,Travis 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 212 Tuition
20848 AGB440 WW1 3 Agricultural Niche Marketing
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 10 0 10 Campbell,Emily 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21050 AGB802 A 2 Agribusiness Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
2 0 0 0 Rouse,Andrea 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21051 AGB802 B 2 Agribusiness Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite.
2 0 0 0 Doud,Timothy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21052 AGB802 C 2 Agribusiness Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
3 0 0 0 Lautner,Travis 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21053 AGB802 D 2 Agribusiness Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
3 0 0 0 Campbell,Emily 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21054 AGB812 A 2 Agribusiness Internship II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: AGB 802
0 0 0 0 Doud,Timothy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21055 AGB812 B 2 Agribusiness Internship II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: AGB 802
8 0 0 0 Lautner,Travis 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21056 AGB812 C 2 Agribusiness Internship II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: AGB 802
2 0 0 0 Rouse,Andrea 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
23782 AGB812 D 2 Agribusiness Internship II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has prerequisite. Prerequisite: AGB 802
5 15 0 15 Campbell,Emily 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21522 AGC314 WW1 2 Leadership in Agriculture
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. Restricted to DMACC Agricultural, Horticultural Program Students and Pearson Scholars.
15 15 0 15 Rouse,Andrea 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20844 AGC420 1 3 Agricultural Issues
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:15AM 12:10PM Rouse,Andrea 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 209 Tuition
24375 AGS214 1 3 Domestic Animal Physiology
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: AGS 113 Minimum Grade D-
16 15 0 15 Fertig,Amy 01/13/25 04/02/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 08:00AM 08:55AM Fertig,Amy 01/13/25 03/31/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 255
T F 08:00AM 09:30AM Fertig,Amy 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 255
20451 AGS319 B 3 Animal Nutrition
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGB 235 B and AGS 319 B. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
3 0 0 0 MTWRF 09:05AM 10:00AM Doud,Timothy 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253 Tuition
20716 AGS319 C 3 Animal Nutrition
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGA 284 C and AGB 235 C. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
2 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:10AM 11:05AM Doud,Timothy 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253 Tuition
24366 AGS319 A 3 Animal Nutrition
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
1 1 0 1 MTWRF 11:15AM 12:10PM Doud,Timothy 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22662 ANI453 WA 3 Illustration for Animation
Reserved for students in animation program. Prerequisite: ANI 410
5 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 10:55AM Khalandovskiy,Igor 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
22663 ANI467 WA 3 After Effects for Motion Grap
Reserved for students in the Animation program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 439
7 15 0 15 T R 03:10PM 05:00PM Sinclair,Christopher 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
22661 ANI485 WA 3 Animation 1
Reserved for students in Animation Program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 483
8 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 02:55PM Sinclair,Christopher 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
22664 ANI490 WA 3 Intro to Maya Animation
Reserved for students in Animation Program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 487
9 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Sinclair,Christopher 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
22665 ANI492 WA 6 Demo Reel Production
Reserved for students in Animation Program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 487
9 15 0 15 M W F 01:00PM 04:35PM Sinclair,Christopher 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20308 ANT105 WC1 3 Cultural Anthropology
16 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Simmons-Curtis,Emma 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 210E Tuition
20345 ANT105 WW2 3 Cultural Anthropology
2 15 0 15 McDowell,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20476 ANT105 D 3 Cultural Anthropology
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Lahart,Melanie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition
20581 ANT105 WW1 3 Cultural Anthropology
0 15 0 15 Simmons-Curtis,Emma 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21418 ANT105 WW3 3 Cultural Anthropology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 McDowell,Jennifer 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21488 ANT105 B 3 Cultural Anthropology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
18 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Lahart,Melanie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 17 Tuition
21489 ANT105 C 3 Cultural Anthropology
16 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Lahart,Melanie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition
21491 ANT105 WW4 3 Cultural Anthropology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 McDowell,Jennifer 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27154 ANT105 WW5 3 Cultural Anthropology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 1 14 Price,Gretchen 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20995 ANT202 WW1 3 Human Origins
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
2 15 0 15 O'Connor De Los Rios,Divinity 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21176 ANT202 WW2 3 Human Origins
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
4 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21490 ANT202 A 3 Human Origins
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Lahart,Melanie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 06 Tuition
21492 ANT202 WW3 3 Human Origins
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 2 13 O'Connor De Los Rios,Divinity 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21518 ANT202 WW4 3 Human Origins
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26804 ANT202 B 3 Human Origins
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Lahart,Melanie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition

Architectural Technologies

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21018 ARC115 1 2 Arch 3D Computer Modeling
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: ARC-111 with a C or better or Instructor Approval.
17 0 0 0 T R 08:00AM 10:45AM Gatzke,Mike 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
21022 ARC133 1 3 Commercial Architecture/BIM I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ARC-124 with a C better and ARC-115 with a C or better or Instructor Approval
15 0 0 0 M W F 08:00AM 11:20AM Gatzke,Mike 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
23534 ARC134 1 3 Commercial Architecture/BIM II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a pre/co-requisite. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ARC 133 with a C or better or Instructor Approval.
15 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 11:55AM Gatzke,Mike 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
21019 ARC172 1 2 Materials & Assemblies III
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Course has a pre-requisite. Prerequisite: ARC-170 with a C or better or Instructor Approval
17 0 0 0 T R 10:55AM 12:45PM Gatzke,Mike 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
21020 ARC173 1 2 Materials & Assemblies IV
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a pre/co-requisite. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ARC-172 with a C or better or Instructor Approval.
17 0 0 0 T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Gatzke,Mike 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
21021 ARC187 1 2 Contract Doc Tech I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course is reserved for students accepted into the Architectural Technologies program.
17 0 0 0 T R 10:00AM 11:50AM Gatzke,Mike 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20001 ART101 WB2 3 Art Appreciation
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
6 15 0 15 Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 20
20002 ART101 WB3 3 Art Appreciation
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
7 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 20 Tuition
Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20273 ART101 WB5 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 12-week course. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
12 15 0 15 T 12:50PM 02:15PM Stenstrom,Melissa 02/04/25 05/06/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 205 Tuition
Stenstrom,Melissa 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20278 ART101 WA 3 Art Appreciation
21 15 0 15 T R 08:05AM 09:30AM Snapper,Clarissa 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 219E Tuition
20916 ART101 WB4 3 Art Appreciation
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 20 Tuition
Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
21009 ART101 WW1 3 Art Appreciation
1 15 0 15 Benna,Kyle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21010 ART101 WW2 3 Art Appreciation
1 15 0 15 Rendal,Camille 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21401 ART101 WW6 3 Art Appreciation
2 15 0 15 Backhaus,Sasha 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21415 ART101 WW4 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Stenstrom,Melissa 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21416 ART101 WW3 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Alcoser,Maria 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21484 ART101 WW5 3 Art Appreciation
2 15 0 15 Benna,Kyle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22886 ART101 WH1 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 12-week course. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
7 15 0 15 Stenstrom,Melissa 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 07:45PM Stenstrom,Melissa 02/04/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23036 ART101 WW7 3 Art Appreciation
3 15 0 15 Benna,Kyle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23072 ART101 UAE 3 Art Appreciation
11 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 09:00PM Weatherly,Ryan 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 231 Tuition
26857 ART101 WW8 3 Art Appreciation
2 15 0 15 Gebhart,Nancy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27234 ART101 WW9 3 Art Appreciation
4 15 0 15 Gebhart,Nancy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27366 ART101 WWA 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
11 15 0 15 Gebhart,Nancy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21379 ART133 WV1 3 Drawing
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
8 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 12:25PM Connell,Rachel 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
23108 ART136 A 3 Life Drawing
4 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 03:50PM Lundberg,Michael 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 15 Tuition
20003 ART143 A 3 Painting
2 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 12:00PM Wolter,Krista 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 15 Tuition
22443 ART204 WW1 3 Art History II
1 15 0 15 Alcoser,Maria 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20545 PEV115 BA 1 Varsity Baseball
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
14 0 0 0 Mishler,Nic 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
20543 PEV121 BA 1 Varsity Basketball, Men
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
24 0 0 0 Sandquist,Blake 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
20544 PEV122 BA 1 Varsity Basketball, Women
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
22 0 0 0 Kovarik,Jocelyn 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
21523 PEV130 BA 1 Varsity Cross Country
18 15 0 15 Melchert,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 - Tuition
20649 PEV140 BA 1 Varsity Golf
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
23 0 0 0 Seaboch,Chris 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
20902 PEV160 BA 1 Varsity Softball
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
20 0 0 0 Ligouri,Robert 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
20546 PEV170 BA 1 Varsity Volleyball
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
24 15 0 15 Lopez,Danielle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition

Auto Collision Repair

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
24362 CRR206 1 5 Fundamentals of Vehicle Design
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150
7 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 11:30AM Youngwirth,Joe 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition
26124 CRR206 2 5 Fundamentals of Vehicle Design
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150
7 0 0 0 MTWR 11:40AM 03:15PM Wellik,Nicholas 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 22 Tuition
24363 CRR312 1 4 Blueprinting
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150, CRR 311
5 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:30AM Youngwirth,Joe 03/06/25 04/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition
26125 CRR312 2 4 Blueprinting
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150, CRR 311
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:40AM 03:15PM Wellik,Nicholas 03/06/25 04/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition
24364 CRR521 1 2 Masking Techniques
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150
5 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:35AM Youngwirth,Joe 04/21/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition
26126 CRR521 2 2 Masking Techniques
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:40AM 03:15PM Wellik,Nicholas 04/21/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition

Auto Mechanics Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20720 AUT114 1 4 Shop Fund & Minor Service
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
3 0 0 0 MTWR 08:30AM 11:10AM Davis,Dave 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B Tuition
MTWR 08:30AM 11:10AM Davis,Dave 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
20128 AUT163 1 3 Automotive Engine Repair
Course has a prerequisite. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 114 or AUT 111.
0 0 0 0 MTWR 01:00PM 02:55PM Jamison,Kirk 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A Tuition
MTWR 01:00PM 02:55PM Jamison,Kirk 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38
23902 AUT254 1 5 Basic Automotive Powertrain
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 MTWRF 12:30PM 03:40PM Boots,Shane 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38 Tuition
MTWRF 12:30PM 03:40PM Boots,Shane 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18B
26256 AUT255 1 5 Adv Automotive Powertrain
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 254
5 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 12:20PM Wersinger,Keith 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22B Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 12:20PM Wersinger,Keith 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44
26257 AUT255 2 5 Adv Automotive Powertrain
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 254
0 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 12:25PM Wersinger,Keith 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 12:25PM Wersinger,Keith 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22B
20129 AUT404 2 4 Basic Suspension & Steering
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
9 0 0 0 MTWR 12:00PM 02:40PM Davis,Dave 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 02:40PM Davis,Dave 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
23687 AUT404 1 4 Basic Suspension & Steering
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
8 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:45AM Olesen,Bjarne 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 25 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:45AM Olesen,Bjarne 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 23
20723 AUT524 1 4 Auto Brake Systems & Service
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics and Honda programs.
10 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:40AM Cornelius,Curt 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 17 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:40AM Cornelius,Curt 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22A
20742 AUT524 2 4 Auto Brake Systems & Service
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Intended for new Auto Mechanics Spring start students only.
5 0 0 0 MTWR 08:30AM 11:15AM Grems,Tyler 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 16B Tuition
MTWR 08:30AM 11:15AM Grems,Tyler 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 25
22435 AUT524 3 4 Auto Brake Systems & Service
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics and Honda programs.
6 15 0 15 MTWR 12:00PM 02:40PM Grems,Tyler 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 16B Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 02:40PM Grems,Tyler 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
20130 AUT535 1 5 Advanced Auto Brakes & Alignme
Course has a prerequisite. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 404 Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 524
6 0 0 0 MTWR 12:00PM 03:45PM Olesen,Bjarne 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 23 Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 03:45PM Olesen,Bjarne 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 25
22438 AUT535 2 5 Adv Auto Brakes & Alignment
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics and Honda programs. Prerequisite: AUT 404 Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 524
0 15 0 15 MTWR 12:05PM 04:00PM Cornelius,Curt 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22A Tuition
MTWR 12:05PM 04:00PM Cornelius,Curt 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 25
27099 AUT612 1 4 Auto Electrical II
Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 601.
0 0 0 0 T RF 09:50AM 11:40AM Wollesen,Eric 01/14/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
20724 AUT615 1 4 Auto Electricity/Electronics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Intended for spring start Auto Mechanics students only.
3 0 0 0 MTWR 12:30PM 03:15PM Armbrecht,Mark 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42 Tuition
MTWR 12:30PM 03:15PM Armbrecht,Mark 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B
20743 AUT652 2 3 Adv Automotive Electricity
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 615
3 0 0 0 MTWR 09:00AM 11:20AM Cornelius,Curt 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 17 Tuition
MTWR 09:00AM 11:20AM Cornelius,Curt 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22A
22436 AUT652 3 3 Adv Automotive Electricity
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. This class is for Auto Mechanics and Honda Students. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 615
2 15 0 15 MTWR 08:30AM 10:45AM Jamison,Kirk 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44 Tuition
MTWR 08:30AM 10:45AM Jamison,Kirk 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A
23024 AUT652 4 3 Adv Automotive Electricity
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Auto Collison Student Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 615
6 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 10:15AM Jamison,Kirk 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:15AM Jamison,Kirk 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A
23903 AUT709 1 3 Auto Heating & AC
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Auto Mechanics, Auto Collision, Auto Chassis, Auto Engines, Auto Maintenance and Honda PACT programs.
0 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 10:20AM Davis,Dave 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:20AM Davis,Dave 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B
23904 AUT709 2 3 Auto Heating & AC
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 MTWR 01:00PM 03:45PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A Tuition
MTWR 01:00PM 03:45PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14
26624 AUT709 3 3 Auto Heating & AC
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Auto Mechanics, Auto Collision, Auto Chassis, Auto Engines, Auto Maintenance and Honda PACT programs.
7 0 0 0 MTWR 01:00PM 03:15PM Davis,Dave 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B Tuition
MTWR 01:00PM 03:15PM Davis,Dave 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
20744 AUT823 1 4 Advanced Automotive Tune-up
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 842
6 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:45AM Boots,Shane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:45AM Boots,Shane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18B
20127 AUT834 1 4 Automotive Fuel Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 114 and AUT 615.
3 0 0 0 MTWR 08:30AM 11:10AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14 Tuition
MTWR 08:30AM 11:10AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A
20721 AUT842 1 4 Auto Computerized Eng Controls
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics and CAP program. Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: AUT 834. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 652.
9 0 0 0 MTWR 01:00PM 03:40PM Jamison,Kirk 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14 Tuition
MTWR 01:00PM 03:40PM Jamison,Kirk 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A
20722 AUT842 2 4 Auto Computerized Eng Controls
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite: AUT 834. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 652.
4 0 0 0 MTWR 12:30PM 03:15PM Boots,Shane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18B Tuition
MTWR 12:30PM 03:15PM Boots,Shane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
23172 AUT842 3 4 Auto Computerized Eng Controls
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 834. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 652.
8 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 10:40AM Grems,Tyler 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:40AM Grems,Tyler 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 16B
22437 AUT847 1 3 Electrical Systems Diagnosis
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite: AUT 615 , AUT 652
7 15 0 15 MTWR 12:30PM 02:45PM Armbrecht,Mark 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42 Tuition
MTWR 12:30PM 02:45PM Armbrecht,Mark 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B
23690 AUT847 2 3 Electrical Systems Diagnosis
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite: AUT 615 , AUT 652
3 0 0 0 MTWR 01:00PM 03:20PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A Tuition
MTWR 01:00PM 03:20PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14
26258 AUT849 1 3 Electric Vehicle and ADAS
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 615, AUT 652
3 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:20AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:20AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A
27100 AUT870 1 2 Automotive Service Management
0 0 0 0 M W 09:50AM 11:40AM Wollesen,Eric 01/13/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
21355 AUT933 2 3 Technical Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisites: AUT 114, AUT 615, AUT 404, AUT 524
20 0 0 0 Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
24138 AUT933 1 3 Technical Internship I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisites: AUT 114, AUT 615, AUT 404, AUT 524
19 0 0 0 Boots,Shane 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
27143 AUT933 3 3 Technical Internship I
Reserved for students accepted into the Auto Mechanics Technology program. Prerequisites: AUT 114, AUT 615, AUT 404, AUT 524
19 0 0 0 Boots,Shane 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20491 BIO104 NA 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:10PM Abbott,Matthew 01/14/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 136 Tuition
20548 BIO104 UA 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Hedrick,Christine 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
20564 BIO104 WBG 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 08:00AM 10:00AM Guerra,Anthony 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
20659 BIO104 WBH 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Moe,Jenna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 11:15AM 01:15PM Moe,Jenna 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
20861 BIO104 WBC 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Mathrubutham,Mahesh 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E Tuition
20862 BIO104 WC3 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
2 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Nowinski,Nicole 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E Tuition
20872 BIO104 WB1 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Travis,Kathleen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 08:00PM Travis,Kathleen 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205
21026 BIO104 UB 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 T R 09:05AM 11:05AM Borth,Leahann 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
21027 BIO104 UC 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Larscheid,Mary 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
21029 BIO104 WB2 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 M 03:00PM 03:55PM Guinness,Drew 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 225 Tuition
Guinness,Drew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
W 03:00PM 04:50PM Guinness,Drew 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 225
21030 BIO104 WB7 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Kinkead,Lauren 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 10:10AM 12:00PM Kinkead,Lauren 01/13/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225
W 10:10AM 11:05AM Kinkead,Lauren 01/15/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 200
21090 BIO104 WW2 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21091 BIO104 WB3 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Schwalbach,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 05:00PM 07:00PM Schwalbach,Nicole 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
21093 BIO104 UD 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Hedrick,Christine 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
21201 BIO104 WB4 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Travis,Kathleen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 08:00PM Travis,Kathleen 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205
21252 BIO104 WW1 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
4 15 0 15 Thistle,Jessica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21281 BIO104 WBK 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 08:00AM 10:00AM Guerra,Anthony 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
21505 BIO104 WBA 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Schwalbach,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 05:00PM 07:00PM Schwalbach,Nicole 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
21509 BIO104 UE 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:50PM Hedrick,Christine 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
22445 BIO104 WA 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:40PM Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E Tuition
24166 BIO104 WBB 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
7 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MTWR 02:15PM 03:05PM Judson,Savanna 01/13/25 05/08/25 -
24174 BIO104 WW3 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 O'Donnell,Juliet 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24175 BIO104 WW4 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Borth,Leahann 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26755 BIO104 WW5 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
11 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27121 BIO104 WB5 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
F 09:05AM 11:05AM Guerra,Anthony 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
27122 BIO104 WW6 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Keomanivong,Faithe 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20294 BIO112 BA 4 General Biology I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
2 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Bergin,Timothy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208 Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:15PM Bergin,Timothy 01/14/25 05/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208
20297 BIO112 UA 4 General Biology I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
3 15 0 15 T 09:40AM 12:10PM Goodrich,Tony 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 213 Tuition
R 09:40AM 12:10PM Goodrich,Tony 01/16/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209
20300 BIO112 B 4 General Biology I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
2 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Vaughn,Stacy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09 Tuition
R 10:30AM 12:30PM Vaughn,Stacy 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
20758 BIO112 C 4 General Biology I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
0 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Alford,Aaron 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09 Tuition
R 12:50PM 02:50PM Alford,Aaron 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
20873 BIO112 WB8 4 General Biology I
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
3 15 0 15 Keomanivong,Faithe 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 05:00PM 07:00PM Keomanivong,Faithe 01/16/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209
21503 BIO112 WB2 4 General Biology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
0 15 0 15 Soto Burgos,Junmarie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 05:00PM 08:00PM Soto Burgos,Junmarie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
22447 BIO112 WB1 4 General Biology I
Meets at West Campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
2 15 0 15 Reimer,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 10:00AM Reimer,Amy 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E
26536 BIO112 A 4 General Biology I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
1 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 09:00AM Dubansky,Gabbi 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09 Tuition
R 08:00AM 10:00AM Dubansky,Gabbi 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
26787 BIO112 WB3 4 General Biology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
5 15 0 15 Larscheid,Mary 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 10:10AM 12:10PM Larscheid,Mary 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209
20295 BIO113 BA 4 General Biology II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
9 15 0 15 M 12:50PM 02:45PM Bergin,Timothy 01/13/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208 Tuition
W 12:50PM 02:50PM Bergin,Timothy 01/15/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208
F 12:50PM 01:45PM Bergin,Timothy 01/17/25 05/02/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208
20507 BIO113 UB 4 General Biology II
It is recommended that students take BIO 112 prior to this course. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
3 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:30AM Goodrich,Tony 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 213 Tuition
F 08:00AM 10:00AM Goodrich,Tony 01/17/25 05/02/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209
20741 BIO113 B 4 General Biology II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
2 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Alford,Aaron 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09 Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:10PM Alford,Aaron 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
20860 BIO113 WB2 4 General Biology II
Meets at West Campus for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
11 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 10:10AM 12:10PM Walkup,Kristina 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E
20949 BIO113 WB1 4 General Biology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
14 15 0 15 Guinness,Drew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 06:00PM 07:50PM Guinness,Drew 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 225
21200 BIO113 E1 4 General Biology II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
3 15 0 15 M 05:30PM 08:00PM Uthe,Jolita 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05 Tuition
W 05:30PM 08:00PM Uthe,Jolita 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
21357 BIO145 WW1 3 Ecology of Iowa
2 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21364 BIO146 A 3 Genetics
Prerequisite: BIO 112 or BIO 186
5 15 0 15 M W 12:20PM 01:45PM Vaughn,Stacy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15 Tuition
21048 BIO151 WW1 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 1st 8 weeks. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
1 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21057 BIO151 WW2 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 1st 8 weeks. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
3 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21067 BIO151 WW4 3 Nutrition
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
1 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21128 BIO151 WW5 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 2nd 8 weeks. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
0 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21173 BIO151 WW6 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
2 15 0 15 Moss,Qian 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21174 BIO151 WW7 3 Nutrition
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
3 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21242 BIO151 WW8 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
3 15 0 15 Moss,Qian 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21424 BIO151 WWA 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 2nd 8 weeks. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
0 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21428 BIO151 WWB 3 Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
0 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24309 BIO151 WWC 3 Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
22 15 0 15 Moss,Qian 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23604 BIO157 WB1 4 Human Biology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
2 15 0 15 Bradley,Jane 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:05AM 12:05PM Bradley,Jane 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
23734 BIO157 A 4 Human Biology
2 15 0 15 Bradley,Jane 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 09:05AM 12:05PM Bradley,Jane 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
21244 BIO164 WB1 5 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology and H.S. Chemistry or equivalent.
1 15 0 15 Jackson,Maya 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 03:00PM 05:00PM Jackson,Maya 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
W 03:00PM 05:00PM Jackson,Maya 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
26608 BIO164 WB2 5 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology and H.S. Chemistry or equivalent.
3 15 0 15 Jackson,Maya 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 03:00PM 05:00PM Jackson,Maya 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
20674 BIO168 WBA 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
1 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 07:50PM Wojcik,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225 Tuition
Wojcik,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20985 BIO168 NA 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
10 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 03:15PM Abbott,Matthew 01/14/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 136 Tuition
20992 BIO168 WB1 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
1 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:10AM 12:10PM Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208
20993 BIO168 UB 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
2 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 03:20PM Borth,Leahann 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212 Tuition
20998 BIO168 WBI 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
2 15 0 15 Davis,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:50PM Davis,Michael 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
R 01:55PM 02:50PM Davis,Michael 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
20999 BIO168 WBJ 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
1 15 0 15 Davis,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:10PM Davis,Michael 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
R 10:10AM 11:05AM Davis,Michael 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15