Creating opportunities for success

Welcome to DMACC Ames

Thank you for your interest in the DMACC Ames Hunziker Center. Our mission is to help create opportunities for your success. We are conveniently located near the intersection of I-35 and U.S. Highway 30 - only 5 minutes from Iowa State University and easy to access from Ames and the surrounding areas.


students with teacher


Earn college credits at the Ames Center. Our academic programs provide students with structured educational opportunities to acquire knowledge, develop skills, and career exploration to better prepare you for the future.

Available Programs

culinary arts students

High School Career Academy Programs

High school students can earn college credit through the DMACC Career Academy in the Ames Center or through their high school. These classes provide area high school students with excellent educational opportunities!

Ames Career Academy

Students by Ames DMACC sign

Uniquely Ames

What makes Ames special. Every location is unique, with its own distinct atmosphere, traditions, academic programs, student body, and campus facilities, offering a diverse range of experiences and opportunities to create a truly memorable and personalized college experience.

Learn more

1420 South Bell Avenue, Ames, IA 50010 | Phone: 515-663-6700