Pella High School
Andrea Gotta
Academic Advisor
Office: 515-791-5161
Select a course name below for details:
The following courses are offered at Pella High School for DMACC college credit. The courses are taught by Pella High School instructors certified by DMACC. Through a partnership with Pella High School and DMACC, the cost of the course is covered by the high school at no charge to the student.
» The Career Academy of Pella offers several Work-Based Learning Programs that include DMACC credit.
Track your progress towards an Associate degree using our Degree Tracker
Degree TrackerSee how your credits transfer to the Iowa regent schools
Transfer Chart
High School Course | DMACC Course # | DMACC Course Name | Credits | DMACC Credit Offered |
Entrepreneurship in Agriculture | Loading... | Entrepreneurship in Agriculture | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Survey of Animal Industry | Loading... | Survey of Animal Industry | 3 | Fall |
Intro to Garment Construction | Loading... | Intro to Garment Construction | 2 | Spring |
Anatomy & Physiology I | Loading... | Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 | Fall |
Anatomy & Physiology II | Loading... | Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 | Spring |
CADD 1 | Loading... | Intro Computer-Aided Drafting | 3 | Fall |
CADD 2 | Loading... | Intermediate CADD - Mechanical | 3 | Spring |
Communication Skills | Loading... | Communication Skills | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Power Tools | Loading... | Care/Use of Hand/Power Tools | 1 | Fall/Spring |
Intro to Criminal Justice | Loading... | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 | Spring |
Intro to Early Childhood Education | Loading... | Intro to Early Childhood Education | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Child Wellness/Emergency Care | Loading... | Emergency Care | 1 | Spring |
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition | Loading... | Child Health, Safety and Nutrition | 3 | Spring |
Child Growth & Development | Loading... | Child Growth & Development | 3 | Fall |
PLTW - Intro Eng/Design | Loading... | PLTW-Intro to Engr Design | 3 | Year long |
PLTW - Principles of Engineering | Loading... | PLTW - Principles of Engineering | 3 | Year long |
Elementary French I | Loading... | Elementary French I | 5 | Fall |
Elementary French II | Loading... | Elementary French II | 5 | Spring |
Intermediate French I | Loading... | Intermediate French I | 4 | Fall |
Intermediate French II | Loading... | Intermediate French II | 4 | Spring |
Elementary Spanish I | Loading... | Elementary Spanish I | 5 | Fall |
Elementary Spanish II | Loading... | Elementary Spanish II | 5 | Spring |
Intermediate Spanish I | Loading... | Intermediate Spanish I | 4 | Fall |
Intermediate Spanish II | Loading... | Intermediate Spanish II | 4 | Spring |
Food Prep II Lab | Loading... | Food Prep II Lab | 2 | Spring |
Western Civ I | Loading... | Western Civ- Ancient to Early Modern | 3 | Fall |
Western Civ II | Loading... | Western Civ- Early Modern to Present | 3 | Spring |
Emergency Care | Loading... | Emergency Care | 1 | Fall/Spring |
Intro to Health Occupations | Loading... | Intro to Health Occupations | 1 | Fall/Spring |
Exploring Health Careers | Loading... | Exploring Health Careers | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Medical Terminology I | Loading... | Medical Terminology | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Nurse Aide | Loading... | Nurse Aide | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Nurse Aide Adv | Loading... | Advanced Nurse Aide | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Amer Literature to Mid 1800s | Loading... | American Literature to Mid 1800s | 3 | Fall |
Amer Literature since Mid 1800 | Loading... | American Literature since Mid 1800 | 3 | Spring |
Pre-calculus | Loading... | Pre-Calculus | 5 | Spring |
Statistics | Loading... | Statistics | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Calculus | Loading... | Calculus I | 5 | Spring |
Computer Hardware Basics | Loading... | Computer Hardware Basics | 3 | Fall |
Intro to Psychology | Loading... | Intro to Psychology | 3 | Spring |
Oral Communication | Loading... | Oral Communication | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Welding 2 Intro Fabrication | Loading... | Intro to Fabrication | 2 | Spring |
Welding 1 Safety/Health | Loading... | Welding Safety/Health: SENSE 1 | 1 | Fall |
Welding 1 Print Reading | Loading... | Print Read/Sym Inter: SENSE 1 | 3 | Fall |
Welding 1 Short Circuit Trans | Loading... | GMAW Sh Cir Transfer: SENSE 1 | 2 | Fall |
Welding 2 Spray Transfers | Loading... | GMAW Spray Transfer: SENSE 1 | 2 | Spring |
*Course offerings are subject to change. Please contact your Career Advantage advisor
or school counselor for updates and/or questions.
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Pella High School Profile
2022-23 School Year
Total DMACC Credits Earned
Students Enrolled in DMACC Classes
4,440 DMACC Credits earned at your High School
163 DMACC Credits Earned Online
0 Credits Earned at a DMACC Career Academy
20 Certified Instructors at Your School
2023 Graduates
High School Graduates who Attended DMACC in the Fall
Students Earning a DMACC Degree, Diploma, or Certificate while in High School
Tuition Saved
Average DMACC Tuition Saved Per Student
Total DMACC Tuition Saved