Sandra Taylor

Meet the Staff

​Sandra Taylor, Adjunct ​Instructor​​

Sandra teaches students about wine at ici®. Her first career was as a manager in the public sector, but she always loved food and wine. Her first wine job was at Chaddsford Winery, Pennsylvania’s largest winery where she started in the tasting room and worked up to position as Wine Educator. While in Philadelphia, Sandra studied wine and earned credentials as a Certified Specialist of Wine, WSET Level 3, WSET Advanced Assessor, and WSET Diploma candidate. Sandra is a member of the Society of Wine Educators.

After returning to Iowa, Sandra worked in the public sector and had a small wine business until she took an early retirement package from her management job. After two months of boredom, Sandra started the Culinary Program at ici®, graduated in 2012, and started teaching wine in 2013.

She travels extensively around the world to experience wines in the places they grow. Recent travels included cooking vacations in Italy.