Transfer Information
If you are planning to transfer from DMACC to a four-year college, it is important to begin preparing for your transfer as early as possible to ensure a smooth transition.
The information below provides helpful transfer information. Advisors are also available to assist you with your transfer plan. However, it is your responsibility as a student to seek help when needed and to notify any advisor who assists you that you plan to transfer to a four-year college.
Students who need information on transferring to DMACC should refer to our Admission Policies and Transfer Credit Policies. Please contact an advisor for additional assistance.
- Course Equivalency Guides & Transfer Plans
- Links to College and University Home Pages
- Transfer Planning Course
- Tips for a Successful Transfer
- Visit Days at Colleges & Universities
- Partnership Programs
- Transfer Planning Worksheets
Transfer Planning Worksheets
- College Comparison Worksheet
- College Admission Checklist
- Course Comparison Worksheet
- Questions to Ask a Four-Year College
Planning Your Transfer
Tips for a Successful Transfer
- Start planning your transfer to a four-year college as early as possible while you are a student at DMACC. Planning well in advance will increase your preparation and success in transferring your credits.
- Consider what your major will be at the four-year college. Choosing a major early is beneficial because many majors have prerequisite courses or specific admission criteria. This will help you plan your DMACC courses. If you are undecided about your major, you should begin the planning process now. Career counseling services are available to help you with the career planning process.
- If you are uncertain where you will transfer after DMACC, start researching four-year colleges now. No two colleges are the same. Requirements, majors, and practices will vary. A good place to start is by using the Internet to look at different college websites. Attend a DMACC college fair to visit with representatives from different four-year colleges. At the Ankeny Campus, you may also use the information resources in the Career Center in Building 1 to learn about different four-year colleges and majors.
- Meet with a DMACC advisor. Discuss your transfer plans with each advisor who assists you with your academic planning. Talk to your advisor about transfer agreements or special programs that may be available with the four-year colleges you are considering, such as course articulation, cross enrollment, admission partnership programs, etc.
- Request a college catalog, an admission application, financial aid, scholarship, and housing information from the four-year colleges you are considering. Request information that may be specific to transfer students.
- To help you finalize your decision as to where you will transfer after DMACC, set up a campus visit to colleges you are interested in attending. Campus visits are important because they provide first-hand information that you simply won't get by talking to friends, looking at a website or in a catalog.
- When you schedule your visit, ask for an appointment with an advisor. Be prepared. Take a list of questions with you about admission, major requirements, transfer credits or anything else you are unsure about. Take a student copy of your DMACC transcript with you. You can login and print a student copy of your transcript from myDMACC. Take notes and document the names of the people you talk with during your visit in case you have questions in the future.
- Keep important assignments and research papers from your DMACC classes, and your DMACC catalog. Some four-year colleges may require a portfolio of your college coursework or may need additional course information to award transfer credit.
- Complete an application for admission to the college of your choice. Some colleges have admission deadlines and application fees. Know what they are. Also, scholarship and housing opportunities may be limited and can be dependent upon an offer for admission. Apply early!
- Request to have your official college transcript sent to your transfer college. You will need to request a transcript from each college you have attended. The DMACC Transcript Request Form is available online or in the Student Services Office at all DMACC campuses.
- Complete financial aid, scholarship, and housing applications. Be aware of deadlines and complete all materials as early as possible. Stay in touch with your transfer school. Attend an orientation/registration day. Some colleges hold early registration sessions for transfer students.
- You are ready to start classes. Good luck!