STRIVE Academy Entry Requirements

When considering a student for possible attendance at STRIVE Academy, a referral needs to be made by the student’s IEP team. The team meets to discuss the student’s continued needs and explore options to meet those needs. When considering STRIVE Academy as a match for further instruction for the student, a review of IEP information and services should be completed.

IEP Data and Services

IEP criteria for living ​and working (Page B)

  • The IEP living and working sections reflect that the student has some skills in these areas but has continued needs in comparison to general education peers and would benefit from instruction in the areas of living and working.
  • STRIVE Academy provides instruction needed to develop independent living and working skills.

IEP criteria for learning (Page B)

  • The IEP learning sections reflect that the student has the basic academic and technology skills needed to develop independent living and employment skills.
  • The student’s academic skills and technology skills need to be developed to a level that the student can participate independently. Direct instruction in reading, writing and math are not provided at STRIVE Academy. If a student needs direct instruction in these areas, placement should be provided where these skills are addressed directly.

IEP graduation requirements (Page B)

  • The IEP indicates that the student is on track to meet their high school graduation requirements but has continued needs for instruction in the areas of living and working.
  • ​Students who attend STRIVE Academy must be high school students who have met graduation requirements but remain on an IEP due to other instruction needs.

IEP communication requirements

  • The IEP indicates that the student has basic communication skills and can communicate needs to the instructor or resident assistants.
  • The student will need to communicate directly to DMACC staff without outside supports throughout the day.

IEP Medical Needs (Page F or attached health plan)

  • If a student has medical needs, a plan is in place for the student to meet basic medical needs independently. The student should be able to appropriately follow emergency procedures and not be a flight risk.
  • A student will need to take medication and monitor day to day health needs with minimum supervision. There is not a nurse assigned to STRIVE Academy or available in the apartments. There are times when a student will not be directly supervised by staff and will need to be able to follow safety rules independently.

IEP behavior and social skills needs (Page B or Page F; behavior plan)

  • The IEP should reflect that the student has basic behavior and social skills needed to live successfully with roommates, interact with DMACC personnel and be successful on the job.
  • ​Students are expected to have the skills needed to work through problems with minimal supervision in the dorms, classroom and on the job.

IEP support needs (Page F)

  • The IEP should reflect that associate support is not needed during the school day with the exception of possible supports in the academic setting.
  • Associate support is not provided at STRIVE Academy so a student must be able to function independently with minimal supports from staff. A job coach is provided for job exploration experiences.


  • Students should have the ability to wake themselves up each morning and arrive to class on time.
  • Each lesson presented at work study and in class builds on the previous lesson so daily attendance is important. A total of three absences will be accepted during any given term (12 week period). Upon the fourth absence, and IEP meeting will be held to decide what action needs to be taken. Three individual tardies will count as one absence.