Your Impact

​​​​​Investing in Dreams

Olivia Cook

Olivia Cook​​​​

Looking for a college option that would allow her to remain close to her family, especially her two younger sisters, DMACC made sense for Roosevelt High School graduate Olivia Cook of Des Moines. Currently enrolled in the liberal arts program with a focus on pre-veterinary studies, Oliva says DMACC was the perfect choice.

“My mom was really supportive of me attending a community college," Olivia says, noting one of the aspects she enjoys most is the personalized and one-on-one approach to education. "I like how one-on-one it is and I have strong connections with my instructors and other students. I can just come in and do my thing in a supportive environment."

Doing her thing at DMACC is helping her get closer to her goal of one day practicing as a veterinarian specializing in equestrian medicine. She says her coursework is preparing her for the rigors of a vet-med program at a university, and that scholarships from the DMACC Foundation have provided her motivation and lessened her financial burden.

"They helped me out tremendously," Olivia says. “I didn't have a lot saved going into college, so having that financial support has allowed me to focus more on my schooling while still being able to afford necessary items like books and a high-quality computer. That support is is what has made it possible for me to do this."

Olivia says she is excited to see what the future holds.

When it comes to caring for animals, specifically horses, it is not anything I will ever be tired of or that will bore me. Adults always tell you to do what you love, so I'm doing just that. I'm swinging big."



Focused on a Bright Future

Anselm Frietch

Anselm Frietch

Despite his unconventional educational background, Anselm Frietch's passion for construction and his dedication to learning have positioned him as a standout student in his field.

Having been homeschooled during high school, Anselm benefitted from experiential education in the construction industry. His passion for “swinging a hammer" was fostered over more than a decade of working alongside his father in the family business.

This deep involvement in building over the course of years inspired Anselm to pursue an Associate's degree in Construction Management at DMACC. Reflecting on his choice of DMACC, Anselm highlights the practical hands-on approach to education offered by the College.

"I chose DMACC because they have very much hands-on work compared to other schools," he says. "They get right to the point with the education in terms of what I'll be doing, which I definitely like."

Scholarships have played a crucial role in Anselm's educational journey, helping him to save money while focusing on gaining the skills necessary to be successful in the competitive construction industry.

Anselm says his studies at DMACC have enhanced his technical skills and taught him valuable lessons about self-discipline.

"I've learned that I have to manage my time to be able to get done all the assignments I have to do for my classes, while also balancing my work," he says. "I have definitely started to learn the importance of time management a lot more than I used to. When you're homeschooled, it is more self-paced and there aren't as many deadlines.

Looking ahead, Anselm plans to leverage his education and experience to pursue his dream of starting his own construction company specializing in custom homes. "I recognize the fact that there's a lot of costs associated with starting a business," he says. "I might just have to work for a construction company for a few years, or as a carpenter, just to save the money I need to start my own business."


Movie Sparks Career Aspiration

Corbyn Atwell

Corbyn Atwell

Corbyn Atwell, a mechanical engineering student at DMACC can tell you the moment he became fascinated with building. A graduate of Woodward-Granger High School, Corbyn uncovered his passion for mechanical engineering at a young age on the big screen.

"I saw Ironman, when I was a five-year-old," Corbyn says of the defining moment that pushed him on his career path. "I saw it and thought, 'That's cool.' Then I learned more and got interested in design and how it all goes together."

 Choosing DMACC was a logical move for Corbyn, who recognized the quality of education and the affordability the college offered.

 "I'm not from an affluent family, so cost was a big factor," he says. "It quickly became clear to me that I could get all the same classes done at DMACC much more affordably and without sacrificing the quality of education."

 Scholarships have played a crucial role in Corbyn's journey, providing not only financial support but also a sense of pride.

 "The first year I got scholarships, I didn't have to pay anything," he says. "Those were really, really helpful. There's definitely a sense of pride when you open up that letter and see that you got one."

 At DMACC, Corbyn is not only thriving academically but also enjoying the social aspect of college life, relishing the opportunity to meet new people and expand his horizons. Looking ahead, he plans to transfer to Iowa State University to complete his engineering studies, with aspirations to work in a manufacturing company.

Finding Success in Agricultural Studies

Morgan McKay

Morgan McKay

Like many DMACC students, Morgan McKay wasn't sure exactly what she wanted to study when she arrived on campus for her freshman year. While she initially enrolled in the liberal arts program, Morgan soon realized it wasn't for her. After giving it some thought, she adjusted her journey and has found her true calling.

"I felt like the ag business program fit what I truly wanted," Morgan says. "I have learned about myself. Through my experience I have learned what I enjoy and what I don't."

A graduate of Knoxville (Iowa) High School, Morgan sought out DMACC for its smaller class sizes and the opportunity to build meaningful connections with professors.

"I just really enjoy being able to create a connection with the professors," Morgan says. "I don't feel like I'm just another student taking up space in a massive auditorium. I feel like I can approach my professors and they know who I am."

Scholarships have played a crucial role in Morgan's academic journey, allowing her to focus on her studies.

"Scholarships have definitely helped me to be able to not have to worry about the financial burden of college," Morgan acknowledges. "Fortunately, this semester I am covered fully by scholarships so I can pour 100% into my studies."

Thankful for the support she's received, Morgan says donors have a tangible impact on students like her.

"I think that it is incredible that people want to help young individuals as they pursue higher education," Morgan says. "Knowing that I won't have to stress about whether or not it is something I can afford is incredible. I feel fortunate that there are donors out there giving so generously so young people don't have to worry as much about finances. College is stressful enough not even considering the financial piece."

As she looks ahead, Morgan says her goal is to work in animal nutrition or agronomy, leveraging her background in agriculture and her passion for helping others.

"4H has definitely shaped my interest for ag science," says Morgan who participated in the program in high school. "Now being able to build upon that at DMACC is a passion of mine. I want to take what I've learned here to help other youth who are following a similar path. I want to help them create connections and grow a love for agriculture."


Changing Her Dreams a World Away from Home

 Michelle Moreno

Michelle Moreno

Five years ago, Michelle Moreno left her homeland of South Africa, driven by love, to start a new chapter in the United States. It wasn't long before the monumental move turned tumultuous. Marked by a separation and the realization that her educational and career certifications from South African were not recognized in the U.S., Michelle began thinking about her future.

"I was driving and I heard an ad for DMACC on the radio. Then I started seeing DMACC signs," Michelle says. "I decided that I had to start all over and DMACC would be a good place to do that." 

Feeling both daunted and determined, she enrolled at DMACC. Now, as a student in the Hospitality Management program, she is reaching new heights and rediscovering her purpose.

Her choice to enroll at DMACC was guided by a simple yet profound need to carve out a new path for herself. She feels welcome and supported at DMACC, and that was vital with no family in the United States to lean on. She has also received critical assistance in the form of scholarships.

"The scholarship is becoming my family," she says, with gratitude evident in her voice. "It has minimized the stress of having bills handing over me. Every bit of it has helped."

Despite facing significant challenges, including working long hours in the hotel industry and managing a heavy course load, Michelle has found joy and purpose at DMACC.

"I love the students. They don't treat me like an alien because I'm older," she says, also offering praise for her instructors. "My chefs are beautiful people. My teachers are conscious of my needs, and that's important to me."

Michelle's story is truly one of healing and growth. In her time at DMACC, she has learned about her own strengths and the importance of self-love. "I've changed a lot as a human being," she reflects. "Every day is a new day. I've learned to focus on the future and to not hold any grudges."

Michelle's future plans are ambitious. Currently a supervisor at a hotel, she dreams of ascending to management roles within the global hospitality industry.

"I'm studying and I know I'm going to manage something," says Michelle, who credits her schooling with providing her with the confidence required to carve out a new career path. “DMACC is more than just an educational institution to me. DMACC has actually become my family in my mind."


Nagel Finds Direction at DMACC

 Quinn Nagel

Quinn Nagel

For students navigating the transition from high school to higher education, the journey can often be filled with uncertainty and unexpected turns. For Quinn Nagel, the path to a career in game development took a few twists but ultimately found its direction at DMACC.

Having moved from Colorado to Iowa in 2019, Quinn graduated from high school in Des Moines with plans to pursue a career as an aviation mechanic.

However, after enrolling in an electrical course as a backup plan, he quickly realized his passion lies elsewhere.

"I didn't know what I wanted to do at first," he says. "But then I found out I didn't want to be an aviation mechanic, so I switched to a coding degree. The people were nice, and everyone was really helpful, so I decided to stay at DMACC."

Today, Quinn is working towards an Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Information Technology at DMACC's Ankeny Campus, with a dream of becoming a game developer. His passion lies in the rapidly evolving world of virtual reality (VR) technology, along with a love for strategy and role-playing games.

The support Quinn has received through DMACC has been crucial to his academic success.

"Scholarships have helped out a lot," Quinn says. "My first semester, I got the Last-Dollar Scholarship, but then the requirements changed, and I was worried about making it without that support. But then I got the DMACC Foundation Scholarship, and I was super pumped.

“Having a scholarship really helped take off that load because I could take fewer hours at work and focus more on my studies," he continues. “It makes me happy to know there are people out there who are donating so students like me can focus on what we're doing."

This financial support has allowed Quinn to maintain his focus and excel in his classes, giving him the confidence he needs to succeed.

"I've learned so much coding knowledge here that I probably wouldn't have learned by myself," he says. "When I first started, I was really worried, and every single semester I'd get super worried. But I've learned to have a lot of faith and confidence in myself."

With his sights set on a career that combines his love of technology and gaming, Quinn is well on his way to achieving his dreams, thanks to the education and support he's received at DMACC.