Accessing eBooks

Redeem Brytewave/Redshelf eBooks

If you follow these specific steps below, you should gain access. However, if you've gone through the process and you still cannot access the content, please call your campus bookstore, so they can help assist with your issues.​​

If your receipt states, “No PIN Required”

  1. Check your DMACC email for an email from Brytewave about the eBook you just purchased. You will want to make sure to check spam/junk/etc.
  2. If you cannot find that email, please go to
  3. The Brytewave homepage will pop up. In the middle of the page, it says “Login or Create an Account”. Click Log-in.
  4. Enter your DMACC email address into the email box. Next, click on Forgot Password. Enter your DMACC email address for a link to change your password.
  5. In your DMACC email inbox, you will receive that email with a link to change your password. Click on it and follow the directions to set up a new password.
  6. After creating a new password, you’ll be notified that the password has been updated & changed.
  7. Find the Log-in button on the top right corner of that page. Log-in with your DMACC email and your new password. Once logged in, your eBook should be listed. Click on the book and a new webpage will open displaying the book.

If your receipt provides a PIN

  1. Go to
  2. In the middle of the page, it says “Login or Create an Account”. If you have never had an eBook through Brytewave/Redshelf, please create an account using your DMACC email. Create a password, it does not have to be the same as your DMACC password but can be if it helps you remember.
  3. Once your account is created, you should be able to login, using the credentials you just signed up with.
  4. Up in the right hand corner, there should be blue words that states, “Have an Access Code?” You will click on that, then a separate box will pop up. You will put the PIN that is on the bottom of your receipt.
  5. Once you redeem that PIN​ the book will be available on your shelf to read.
  6. If you are able to access Brytewave/Redshelf directly from Canvas, then it should automatically log you in to Brytewave/Redshelf, and you would then be able to redeem the PIN and the book will show up on your shelf.

If you ordered an access code that was delivered to you digitally via Brytewave/Redshelf

  1. If the website states to go to, please go to that website. If you have had an eBook/access code from that site before, please login using your DMACC email. If you have never had an eBook/access code from that website, please look in your DMACC email for an email from Brytewave stating that an account has been created. If all else fails, please follow the steps above to gain access.
  2. Once you are able to login, please look on your library shelf. The code will be listed under courseware.
  3. Click on the courseware and it will provide you with the 20-25 alphanumeric code that you need to copy over to the courseware program to gain access. (Courseware program= Connect, MindTap, etc.)

Please note that these are the directions for Brytewave/Redshelf eBooks/Courseware only. If your receipt does not tell you to go to a Brytewave/Redshelf website, then you will need to follow the directions that are provided by your professor or on the access card/code.