Boone Theatre

Boone Campus Theatre

DMACC Boone Campus Theatre Presents "Quirky Comedies" - April 5 & 6 at 7:30 p.m.

Quirky Comedies

The Philadelphia
by David Ives

A young man in a restaurant has fallen into "a Philadelphia," a Twilight Zone-like state in which he cannot get anything he asks for. His only way out is to as for the opposite of what he wants.

Variations on the Death of Trotsky
by David Ives

Russian revolutionary Trotsky on the day of his demise desperately tries to cope with the mountain climbers ax he has discovered in his head.

Such a Nice Little Kitty
by Pat Cook

Walter Herbert waits nervously in the dark for his advesary, a 57 pound complaining cat named Cleopatra. In this hilarious cat-and-mouse game paranoid Walter is the mouse, of course. Playing the devil's advocate is Walter's wife, Edna, who tries to keep him from getting rid of the cat.

Quirky Comedies

DMACC students get free admission. All others $5 general admission.

For more information, contact Drama Department Professor Kay Mueller at 515-433-5094 or