DART App Tips

Mobile Pass App Tips

Having issues getting your bus pass through the DART App?

Logged in using non-DMACC email address
If a student is registered and has a MyDART app account, double check that you are logged in using your DMACC email address. Open the app, click more in the bottom right corner then click on "your profile".

Not clicking the provided link
A common issue for anyone who does not have a MyDART app account is that users are creating an account prior to clicking the link provide to them via email.

If you created an account before clicking the link, the pass will not show up. You will need to delete your account and start over by clicking the link. Go to your account and login. Next, click the deactivate my account link at the bottom of the first screen. After deleting the account, go back to the email you received, click the link and create a new account. Once the account is created, the pass should be in your wallet.